Maqam Mansuri
‘Abdul Hadi al-Bayyati and al-Chalghi al-Baghdadi
Baghdad, Iraq
c. 1965
مقام المنصوري من اداء قارئ المقام
عبد الهادي البياتي (١٩١١-١٩٧٤) مع فرقه الچالغي البغدادي (السنطور: الحاج هاشم محمد الرجب، الجوزه: شعوبي ابراهيم الاعظمي، الدمبك: عبد الرزاق الشبلي) في تسجيل اذاعي من ستينات القرن الماضي. القصيده للشاعر العباس بن الاحنف. التسجيل الاصلي للاخ نجم العيداني من منتدى سماعي
أظن وما جربت مثلك انما * قلوب نساء العالمين صخور
ذريني أنم ان لم أنل منك زورة * لعل خيالا في المنام يزور
شكوت الى سرب القطا ان مررن بي * فقلت أمثلي في البكاء جدير
أسرب القطا هل من يعير جناحه * لعلي الى من قد هويت أطير
و الا فمن هذا يؤدي رسالتي * فأشكره ان المحب شكور
و أي قطاة لم تساعد أخا هوى * عاشت بضير والجناح كسير
- instrumental introduction in mansuri mode on a 36/4 samah rhythm
- tahrir in mansuri mode sung to the words "way way, yaba" (0:33)
- musical refrain in mansuri mode and 36/4 samah rhythm (1:20)
- a verse of the poem sung in mansuri mode (1:48)
- unmeasured interlude on the joza and santur in mansuri mode (2:05)
- a verse starting in bayat mode and ending in mansuri (2:22)
- unmeasured interlude on the joza and santur starting in bayat and ending in mansuri (3:00)
- a fragment of a verse starting in bayat mode and ending in a piece of bayat called ‘Abbush (3:30)
- musical refrain in mansuri mode and 36/4 samah rhythm. (4:00)
- unmeasured interlude on the joza and santur starting in bayat and ending in mansuri. (5:08)
- a piece of bayat on g called ‘Abbush sung to the words "ouh, yaba" (5:30)
- a verse in bayat mode ending in a piece of rast on f called Nahuft sung to the words "aman amaney, bidadey". (6:14)
- music changes to bayat mode and 12/4 yugrug rhythm. (7:42)
- first meyana in husayni mode sung to the words "ya dost" (8:09)
- a verse using the melody of the meyana (starting in rast on c' and ending in bayat on d') (8:29)
- return to mansuri sung to the words "aman aman, bidadem" (8:55)
- music changes to hijaz mode and 12/4 yugrug rhythm. (9:15)
- a piece called Mathnawi (hijaz on g) consisting of a verse in hijaz mode ending with a return to mansuri to the words "man amaney, dad, bidadey"
- music changes to bayat mode in preparation for the second meyana (11:06)
- second meyana in husayni mode sung to the words "way way, ya dost" (11:33)
- a verse using the melody of the meyana ending with a piece of bayat called Arwah (11:50)
- A piece called Mthaltha in three parts (bayat, hijaz and mansuri) sung to the words "aman amaney, khurdem jun, layli baba, babay, aman aman, burdem jun, layli baba, hey babay, agham jun, yaba, pasham jun" (12:20)
- taslim in mansuri mode starting with a sayha on g' in bayat and descending to g in mansuri mode sung to the words "aman aman, ali janemen". (13:12)
Vocals: ‘Abd al-Hadi al-Bayyati (1911-1974)
Santur: Haj Hashim Muhammad al-Rajab (1921-2003)
Joza: Sha‘ubi Ibrahim al-A‘dhami (1924-1991)
Dumbuk: ‘Abd al-Razzaq al-Shibli

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